Author: amfreelance
Jodi Martin, granddaughter of G/506 PIR veteran James Pee Wee Martin jumped yesterday in Xenia, Ohio to celebrate her hero grandfather’s 100th birthday. She jumped with the Star Spangled banner and the Norman leopards from the flag given to Tom Rice (C/501st) last year by Jean Pierre Lhonneur, Mayor of Carentan les Marais. Tom will also celebrate his 100th birthday this year…
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A beautiful tribute to Carentan and to the amazing commemorative events that take place there every June, by American Director and producer Christian Taylor. She gives life to another American, Michelle Phenix’s deep emotions, also the narrator of this short program, who discovered in 2018 the strong bonds that unite Normandy to the memory of the young US soldiers who came to liberate the country and Europe 76 years ago.
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Martijn Nelissen is a Dutch officer, who also reenacts the 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment in Normandy and the Netherlands.